





联系地址:中国(山东)自由贸易试验区济南片区孙村街道经十东路33688号章锦综合保税区联东U谷科创中心5号楼 101



As a gas fuel used by farmers for cooking, biogas should have certain quality indicators. Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless and odorless substance with a foul egg odor, and is also a major harmful component in biogas. It not only endangers human health, but also has a strong corrosive effect on kitchen metal appliances, biogas appliances, and pipeline valves. Therefore, for the biogas used by farmers for cooking, it is necessary to install a desulfurizer to ensure that the content of hydrogen sulfide is purified to below 0.02g/m3.


There are two methods for biogas desulfurization: wet method and dry method. Dry desulfurization has the advantages of simple process, mature and reliable, and low cost. At present, this method is mainly used for household biogas desulfurization.


At present, there are various household dry desulfurizer products on the market, which contain granular iron oxide desulfurizers of varying qualities. Iron oxide desulfurizers can generally be reused 3-4 times, but the service life of different qualities varies by nearly 10 times. Although rural conditions are limited, homemade desulfurizers and desulfurizers are also necessary for rural biogas users.


The shown is a simple household biogas desulfurizer. Two 500mL beverage bottles with bottom caps removed, filled with a plastic disc with many small holes of 1~1.5mm, and covered with 2-3 layers of plastic window screens stacked on a circular pad, are then docked and glued together with plastic tube tape to form a cylindrical shell; Both ends of the bottle caps are opened separately, and plastic pipe nozzles are glued together as biogas inlet and outlet joints. Open the bottle cap at the upper outlet to load and unload powdered or granular desulfurizers. It should be noted that it should be installed vertically, with plastic discs at the bottom, and biogas passing from bottom to top during use.



1. Preparation of biogas desulfurizer


Dry desulfurization agents include activated carbon, molecular sieve, and iron oxide. Taking into account factors such as service life, operating costs, availability of materials, and ease of use, the most commonly used desulfurizer currently is iron oxide. There are two commonly used formulas.


Natural biogas iron ore. Natural biogas iron ore, commonly known as "loess", generally contains 0.5% to 1%. Spray water evenly before use to achieve a moisture content of 30% to 40%. This type of biogas iron ore is produced in Yichun, Heilongjiang Province, Jixian, Tianjin City, and Huairou County, Beijing City, and other places in China.


Artificial iron oxide. Mix cast iron chips (or iron chips) with wood chips with a particle size of 0.6-2.4mm in a mass ratio of 1:1, sprinkle water, and thoroughly sun dry for artificial oxidation; Before use, mix 0.5% hydrated lime to adjust the pH value of the desulfurizer to 8-9, and evenly spray clean water to achieve a moisture content of 30%~40%.


For general rural biogas, using artificial iron oxide method is convenient and feasible. However, if there are TG type desulfurizers produced by Shanxi Fenyang Catalytic Plant, TTL-2 type desulfurizers produced by Beijing Nanjiao Kexing Purification Plant, and PM type desulfurizers produced by Shanghai Gas Company, they can also be purchased and used. Its desulfurization effect is good and its service life is long.


2. Regeneration and exchange of dry desulfurizers


The iron oxide in the biogas desulfurizer is soil yellow. When the hydrogen sulfide in biogas comes into contact with iron oxide through a chemical reaction, the resulting iron sulfide turns gray black, and the desulfurizer loses its effectiveness, it needs to be regenerated or replaced. Pour out the ineffective desulfurizer from the bottle, rinse with clean water to remove the mud foam brought by biogas, then spread it on the cement floor and turn it over appropriately (able to spray a small amount of dilute ammonia water), and use oxygen in the air to oxidize iron sulfide back into iron oxide. When the biogas desulfurizer changes from gray black to earthy yellow, the regeneration process is completed. The self-made desulfurizer should be replaced with a new one after being regenerated twice.


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