





联系地址:中国(山东)自由贸易试验区济南片区孙村街道经十东路33688号章锦综合保税区联东U谷科创中心5号楼 101



Sulfur containing waste gas desulfurization is a biological process that removes hydrogen sulfide from the gas that produces sulfur elements. The biological solution that absorbs sulfur elements is a bicarbonate saline solution. Sodium hydroxide is added to the system to maintain alkalinity and pH value, while nutrients are added to the system and water is replenished. This biological solution contains bacteria that can handle sulfur, and only needs to be added once during the initial start-up.


The biological solution is pumped from the bioreactor to the top of the washing tower, and it is evenly sprayed on the packing bed of the washing tower in the contactor, ensuring appropriate contact between the biological solution and sulfur-containing gas. Through the physical and chemical reactions occurring inside the washing tower, hydrogen sulfide dissolves in the form of sulfides in the biological solution, and the treated gas flows upwards to the outlet at the top of the washing tower.



The sulfur bacteria present in the biological solution during the washing tower stage do not participate in the reaction. They simply separate the sulfur elements from the gas and aggregate them at the bottom of the washing tower. Then, a pump is used to transport the liquid enriched with hydrogen sulfide at the bottom to the bioreactor. The infrared detector will detect the concentration of sulfides in the bioreactor and drive a blower to deliver a reasonable amount of air to the bacteria through frequency conversion.


The generated elemental sulfur is hydrophilic and will not cause system blockage. The washing solution has been regenerated through the release of sulfur and will be pumped back to the top of the washing tower for a new treatment cycle.


In the third and final stage, a portion of the washing solution is separated and pumped into a gravity settler, where biological sulfur is concentrated at 10% to 15% elemental sulfur. The dehydration of sulfur sludge will be carried out in the form of a centrifuge or filter press for slag water separation, and the overflow of the settler and the separated filtrate will be reused.


Biological sulfur is produced in the form of sulfur cakes, with sulfur content ranging from 55% to 75% by weight. This is because a small portion of sulfides are oxidized into sulfates, and some solutions need to flow out. Therefore, supplementary water and sodium hydroxide are needed to ensure that the conductivity remains within a certain range. The biological sulfur generated during biological processes constitutes many highly effective liquid suspension concentrates, which can be used as sulfur based fungicides or fertilizer sulfur components.

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