





联系地址:中国(山东)自由贸易试验区济南片区孙村街道经十东路33688号章锦综合保税区联东U谷科创中心5号楼 101



What should be noted when using rubber joints in biogas purification systems?


Rubber joints should avoid exposure to sunlight or radiation during use. If used outdoors, wrap the rubber joints with insulation cotton after installation to isolate UV radiation and prevent rapid aging of the surface rubber of the rubber joints. A small change can increase the service life of the rubber joints.


The purification of biogas to produce natural gas production equipment mainly relies on large and medium-sized biogas fermentation system engineering or waste treatment landfill sites. Firstly, Chinese biogas can be obtained through anaerobic fermentation of biomass such as household and learning waste, kitchen waste, animal manure, and crop straw. Then, we purify biogas through membrane separation to improve the quality of natural gas.



However, due to the strict requirements of the membrane tube on the intake quality, desulfurization, dehydration, and dust removal must be carried out before biogas enters the compressor.


However, the existing technology for desulfurization, dehydration, and dust removal is not yet perfect, resulting in the failure of desulfurization intensity and activity function. Improper dehydration and removal also reduce the service life of natural gas pipelines and compressor heads, causing huge economic losses. For example, the existing system lacks a water removal device in front of the iron oxide desulfurization tower, and the desulfurizer is prone to failure when it comes into contact with liquid water; There is too much water in front of the screw compressor, and liquid water appears during the compression process, which corrodes the machine head and pipelines when encountering hydrogen sulfide; Insufficient particle removal of biogas before entering the compressor can easily damage the screw head; The existing chiller units are too large.

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The above is an introduction to biogas purification. For more information, please click: https://www.hneee.net We will wholeheartedly provide you with full score service. Welcome to call us!

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