





联系地址:中国(山东)自由贸易试验区济南片区孙村街道经十东路33688号章锦综合保税区联东U谷科创中心5号楼 101


   生物脱硫工艺是20世纪80年代发展起来的常规脱硫 替代新工艺,通过微生物菌群的作用,将硫化物转 化成单质硫和硫酸。

  Biological desulfurization process is a new conventional desulfurization process developed in the 1980s, which converts sulfides into elemental sulfur and sulfuric acid through the action of microbial communities.

       H2S + OH-→ HS-+ H2O    (1)

  2HS-1 + O2→ 2S0 + OH- △G0= -169.35 KJ/mol    (2)

  2HS-1 + 4O2→2SO42- + 2H+ △G0= -732.58KJ/mol (3)


  Characteristics and advantages of biological desulfurization

  .率:H2S脱除>99%,简易的滤料清洗程序 减少了系统的停机时间

  High efficiency: H2S removal>99%, simple filter material cleaning program reduces system downtime

  .低成本:与其它脱硫技术相比,运行成本 (0.03-0.05元/m3沼气),能耗低

  Low cost: Compared with other desulfurization technologies, it has the lowest operating cost (0.03-0.05 yuan/m3 biogas) and low energy consumption


  Stable system technology: high impact resistance and high operational flexibility


  Small footprint: Compact and vertical tower design saves space


  High security: precise automation control operation, fault alarm


  Simple maintenance: Minor maintenance work (such as regularly calibrating pH probes)


  Green and environmentally friendly: process water is recycled, and elemental S can be recycled for other purposes


  1. Acid based biological desulfurization

  原理:酸式生物脱硫工艺为生物滴滤池工艺。沼气进入脱硫塔后, 在塔内微生物、氧气和循环水的作用下完成H2S的吸收和降 解,净化后的气体从塔顶排出。微生物塔内附着生长,非游 离态。

  Principle: The acid biological desulfurization process is a biological drip filter process. After entering the desulfurization tower, biogas is absorbed and degraded by microorganisms, oxygen, and circulating water inside the tower. The purified gas is discharged from the top of the tower. Microbial tower attachment growth, non free state.


  Characteristics of acid based biological desulfurization


  1、 Applicable scope:

  ①沼气中H2S含量为500ppm-6000ppm,若H2S含量为500ppm-3000ppm效果更 佳;H2S含量为3500ppm-6000ppm碱式的成本更低;

  ① The H2S content in biogas is 500ppm-6000ppm, and the effect is better if the H2S content is 500ppm-3000ppm; The cost of basic H2S with a content of 3500ppm-6000ppm is lower;


  ② Gas production raw materials can be either oily or non oily;


  ③ Intended for centralized gas supply and general use;

  二、生物脱硫系统能够确保脱硫后的沼气中硫化氢含量≤ 20ppm,去除率达到 99%以上,很少有单质S产生;

  2、 The biological desulfurization system can ensure that the hydrogen sulfide content in the desulfurized biogas is ≤ 20ppm, with a removal rate of over 99%, and there is little production of elemental S;

  塔内惰性填料孔隙率高、阻力小,当进气H2S含量<4000ppm,1-2年需要清 洗填料;进气H2S含量>4000ppm,则半年清洗填料;

  The inert filler inside the tower has a high porosity and low resistance. When the H2S content in the intake is less than 4000ppm, the filler needs to be cleaned within 1-2 years; If the H2S content in the intake is greater than 4000ppm, clean the filling material within six months;

  三、营养液的pH值维持在1.5左右,通过控制溶解氧(DO)即可维持。运行温 度为30℃

  3、 The pH value of the nutrient solution is maintained at around 1.5, which can be maintained by controlling dissolved oxygen (DO). Operating temperature is 30 ℃


  2. Alkaline biological desulfurization

  原理:碱式脱硫为生物洗涤器工艺。H2S在脱硫塔内被吸收,而后在再 生池经硫细菌的作用生成单质S,单质S可被分离利用,脱硫过程完成。微生物再生池内附着生长,为非游离态。。

  Principle: Alkaline desulfurization is a biological scrubber process. H2S is absorbed in the desulfurization tower and then generates elemental S through the action of sulfur bacteria in the regeneration tank. The elemental S can be separated and utilized, and the desulfurization process is completed. The attached growth in the microbial regeneration pool is non free..


  Characteristics of alkaline biological desulfurization


  Applicable scope:


  ① The H2S content in biogas is>3500ppm;


  ② The raw materials for gas production are non oily substances; Or add and remove oil device at the front end.


  ③ Suitable for biogas purification;

  :沼气中硫化氢去除率达99.5%以上,经过脱硫的沼气中甲烷含量可达 80%左右,因脱硫过程不仅能去除H2S,也能去除CO2;

  Efficient: The removal rate of hydrogen sulfide in biogas reaches over 99.5%, and the methane content in the desulfurized biogas can reach about 80%, because the desulfurization process can not only remove H2S but also CO2;


  Safe and controllable: aeration occurs in the regeneration tank, and the oxygen content in the biogas at the inlet of the tower is almost zero;


  Alkaline neutralization is required: During system operation, a small portion of elemental S is oxidized to sulfur生物脱硫工艺是20世纪80年代发展起来的常规脱硫 替代新工艺,通过微生物菌群的作用,将硫化物转 化成单质硫和硫酸。

  Biological desulfurization process is a new conventional desulfurization process developed in the 1980s, which converts sulfides into elemental sulfur and sulfuric acid through the action of microbial communities.


  Characteristics and advantages of biological desulfurization

  .率:H2S脱除>99%,简易的滤料清洗程序 减少了系统的停机时间

  High efficiency: H2S removal>99%, simple filter material cleaning program reduces system downtime

  .低成本:与其它脱硫技术相比,运行成本 (0.03-0.05元/m3沼气),能耗低

  Low cost: Compared with other desulfurization technologies, it has the lowest operating cost (0.03-0.05 yuan/m3 biogas) and low energy consumption


  Stable system technology: high impact resistance and high operational flexibility


  Small footprint: Compact and vertical tower design saves space


  High security: precise automation control operation, fault alarm


  Simple maintenance: Minor maintenance work (such as regularly calibrating pH probes)


  Green and environmentally friendly: process water is recycled, and elemental S can be recycled for other purposes


  1. Acid based biological desulfurization

  原理:酸式生物脱硫工艺为生物滴滤池工艺。沼气进入脱硫塔后, 在塔内微生物、氧气和循环水的作用下完成H2S的吸收和降 解,净化后的气体从塔顶排出。微生物塔内附着生长,非游 离态。

  Principle: The acid biological desulfurization process is a biological drip filter process. After entering the desulfurization tower, biogas is absorbed and degraded by microorganisms, oxygen, and circulating water inside the tower. The purified gas is discharged from the top of the tower. Microbial tower attachment growth, non free state.


  Characteristics of acid based biological desulfurization


  1、 Applicable scope:

  ①沼气中H2S含量为500ppm-6000ppm,若H2S含量为500ppm-3000ppm效果更 佳;H2S含量为3500ppm-6000ppm碱式的成本更低;

  ① The H2S content in biogas is 500ppm-6000ppm, and the effect is better if the H2S content is 500ppm-3000ppm; The cost of basic H2S with a content of 3500ppm-6000ppm is lower;


  ② Gas production raw materials can be either oily or non oily;


  ③ Intended for centralized gas supply and general use;

  二、生物脱硫系统能够确保脱硫后的沼气中硫化氢含量≤ 20ppm,去除率达到 99%以上,很少有单质S产生;

  2、 The biological desulfurization system can ensure that the hydrogen sulfide content in the desulfurized biogas is ≤ 20ppm, with a removal rate of over 99%, and there is little production of elemental S;

  塔内惰性填料孔隙率高、阻力小,当进气H2S含量<4000ppm,1-2年需要清 洗填料;进气H2S含量>4000ppm,则半年清洗填料;

  The inert filler inside the tower has a high porosity and low resistance. When the H2S content in the intake is less than 4000ppm, the filler needs to be cleaned within 1-2 years; If the H2S content in the intake is greater than 4000ppm, clean the filling material within six months;

  三、营养液的pH值维持在1.5左右,通过控制溶解氧(DO)即可维持。运行温 度为30℃

  3、 The pH value of the nutrient solution is maintained at around 1.5, which can be maintained by controlling dissolved oxygen (DO). Operating temperature is 30 ℃


  2. Alkaline biological desulfurization

  原理:碱式脱硫为生物洗涤器工艺。H2S在脱硫塔内被吸收,而后在再 生池经硫细菌的作用生成单质S,单质S可被分离利用,脱硫过程完成。微生物再生池内附着生长,为非游离态。。

  Principle: Alkaline desulfurization is a biological scrubber process. H2S is absorbed in the desulfurization tower and then generates elemental S through the action of sulfur bacteria in the regeneration tank. The elemental S can be separated and utilized, and the desulfurization process is completed. The attached growth in the microbial regeneration pool is non free..


  Characteristics of alkaline biological desulfurization


  Applicable scope:


  ① The H2S content in biogas is>3500ppm;


  ② The raw materials for gas production are non oily substances; Or add and remove oil device at the front end.


  ③ Suitable for biogas purification;

  :沼气中硫化氢去除率达99.5%以上,经过脱硫的沼气中甲烷含量可达 80%左右,因脱硫过程不仅能去除H2S,也能去除CO2;

  Efficient: The removal rate of hydrogen sulfide in biogas reaches over 99.5%, and the methane content in the desulfurized biogas can reach about 80%, because the desulfurization process can not only remove H2S but also CO2;


  Safe and controllable: aeration occurs in the regeneration tank, and the oxygen content in the biogas at the inlet of the tower is almost zero;


  Alkaline neutralization is required: During system operation, a small portion of elemental S is oxidized to sulfur

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